About Us
The Cumbria Local History Federation was formed in 1992 by a group of organisations and individuals keen to provide a focus in the County for local historians and local societies. The role of the CLHF is primarily in communication and information, promoting its member societies and their work, providing a means of co-operation and the exchange of ideas, and connecting its members with relevant resources and information. Where appropriate, the CLHF provides publications and organises events.
The CLHF has now become a charity, registration number 1183924.
The CLHF is an organisation funded by its members and run through an elected committee. Our constitution is here.
Our financial year runs from July, reminders will be sent out to members in June.
Membership for individuals is £12 per calendar year, which includes three paper issues of the CLHF Bulletin.
Membership for organisations is £20, including one printed copy of each CLHF Bulletin.
Additional copies of the Bulletin may be ordered for £6 for the three issues per year.
A weekly electronic newsletter is circulated and again this can be circulated around group members. All
groups can have their activities advertised in the weekly newsletter.
Membership includes priority booking for CLHF events such as our AGM & Annual Convention, visits and training days, and regular updates of news from Cumbria's local history world.
Your membership supports the practice of local history in Cumbria. To join, or renew membership, please complete the form and send with the appropriate fee. Subscriptions are kept to a minimum, but donations are very welcome!
Committee Members
Les Gilpin chair@clhf.org.uk
Lyn Cole secretary@clhf.org.uk
Graham Brooks membership@clhf.org.uk
Ruth Lawley bulletin@clhf.org.uk
June Hill eventsorganiser@clhf.org.uk
Graham Brooks (Acting) treasurer@clhf.org.uk
Graham Brooks solwaypast@yahoo.com
Nigel Mills
Christine Craghill
Alastair Robertson
Lorna Mullett
Jill Wishart
Richard Brockington
Les Gilpin
The Annual General meeting is held in the autumn, within the Annual Convention. The officers and other committee members are elected for a year, and new committee members are welcomed. There are many ways of contributing to the CLHF and its activities, without having to join the Committee. There are always roles and responsibilities which members can take on. Please contact the Chair to find more at chair@clhf.org.uk
The Committee is also keen to hear ideas for new projects, for the CLHF itself, and about projects by others which are of interest to the CLHF and its members.