Do you live in a Cumbrian house built before 1940?

Freya Wise is a postgraduate researcher with The Open University.  Her research is looking at ways to reduce carbon emissions from residential heritage buildings in Cumbria while retaining their heritage values and unique character.

She is currently running an anonymous online survey directed at people who live in older buildings (pre 1940) in Cumbria. This survey is seeking to provide broad context to a small number of case studies that will take place next year. The survey is asking questions about:
What people value about their older building, in terms of its age, architecture, materials etc.
What sort of energy behaviours they engage in and their level of comfort in the building
What changes they would or would not countenance to the building to reduce carbon emissions and save energy.

The survey closes at the end of December and she is trying to get as many responses as possible so do please help!

More information and a link to a short video about the broader research:

A link to the survey.